Introduction to Virgin Media Apps (Mobile Apps)

There are multiple virgin media apps to manage virgin media equipment and to control external devices. You can manage Virgin Media Broadband, internet, Virgin router and hub, Virgin TV box and other devices using respective apps. At, our certified experts will help you learn how to access and operate virgin media apps.

where to download my virgin media app

My Virgin Media App

Majorly, this virgin app is used to manage Virgin media Broadband settings and networks. You can check exclusive offers, list of latest data deals & packages and check broadband service status.

how to download my virgin media app

How to Download My Virgin Media App ?

Android Users can download virgin media app on Google Play Store and i-phone users can download it on App store. Enjoy benefits of virgin app by downloading it using following easy steps:

For Android Users

  • Connect your smartphone to the internet.
  • Open Play Store and search for My Virgin media app.
  • You will reach the virgin app download page.
  • Tap on the INSTALL button and download will automatically start.

For iPhone Users

  • Link your Apple iPhone to the internet.
  • Open the App Store and type My Virgin Media app in the search box.
  • Search it and tap on the GET button. The installation process will start.

How to Access

  • After downloading the virgin app, open it in your phone.
  • To access the virgin app, you have to use the Virgin media account.
  • If you don’t have the account, then you can use the Virgin Email password.
  • After login, you can access the dashboard to manage the Virgin media Broadband services.

Features of My Virgin Media App

This virgin application is a gateway to manage your Virgin media broadband kit and data.

  • Package and Bills:- Explore exclusive broadband offers and different broadband packages on the virgin app. You can also pay bills over the app easily.
  • Check Internet Service Status:- This application enables you to check the status of the Virgin media Broadband and the data usage. You can turn on the App Notification to get the issue updates and data usage alerts.
  • Control Broadband:- You can control the services of the broadband over the virgin media app. Access parental controls, caps, roaming, contact details, billing and data purchase over the virgin app itself.
  • Get Instant Help:- Access 24X7 instant support over the virgin app. If you are facing technical issues related to Virgin Media broadband, then you can check out the AI support chatbot and contact the support straight away.

That was all about My Virgin Media App. Next, we will learn about Virgin Media Connect app: how to download, access and what features does it offer.

Virgin Media Connect App

This virgin connect app is used to setup and adjust the settings of the Virgin media hub. You can run home scan over the app to identify issues related to the internet.

steps to login virgin media connect app

How to Download Virgin Media Connect App

There are over 1 million downloads of this app on internet devices. The download process of Virgin Media Connect App is exactly similar to the above-mentioned download process of My Virgin media app.

How to Access

  • Tap on the Virgin Media Connect App to open it in your phone.
  • You can access the app dashboard using either admin details or virgin media account credentials.
  • If you don’t have virgin media account, then you should use admin details to set-up your connect app.
  • The admin details (username and password) are given on the label of the hub.
  • Likewise, login to the app to explore its features.

Features of Virgin Media Connect App

There are a lot of settings and features in the Virgin Media Connect app. Let’s learn about the most talked about features of the app.

  • Intelligent HOMESCAN:- With the Connect app in your phone, you can easily check internet speed using the intelligent HOMESCAN. Besides showing the speed of the internet (in Kbps/Mbps/Gbps), it also runs tests to identify the network issues (if any) and subsequently shows solutions to fix those issues.
  • Pause WiFi:- The “Pause WiFi” feature allows you to stop the internet services temporarily. For example, if it is your kid’s bedtime, then you can use this feature to stop the internet services instantly. You can also schedule time to pause and resume Wifi on this app.
  • Guest Network:- If you have guest at your place, and you want to provide them with a separate network but limited services, then you can create a guest network using this app. Guests can connect to the network and can use the internet easily.
  • Manage WiFi Pods:- In addition to Virgin Hub, the connect app can also manage virgin WiFi pods (also called boosters). Just power on the pods, open connect app, start a scan, and manage the Pods.

Another famous Virgin app is Virgin media TV Go App. The app is a type of OTT platform that provide LIVE TV channels and shows. Below you will get to know about how to download, access and related features.

Virgin Media TV Go App

The app features reality shows, Live TV channels, and a lot more. Use this app after installing it in your phone, tablet, or Smart TV.

how to download virgin media tv go app

How to Download Virgin Media TV Go App

Virgin Media TV Go App has more than one million downloads on the Play Store and a great app rating on the App Store. You can install the TV GO app in the same way as you install the Virgin media app (follow the same steps).

How to Access

  • Access the TV Go app in your phone using your Virgin media Email account credentials.
  • If you don’t have any account, then you can create a new one from the app.
  • To create a new account, just tap on the Sign-Up button and enter your details.
  • You have to type in the Username, create password, and CREATE the account.
  • Then simply use the new created account username and password to access the Virgin TV GO app.


Virgin TV Go app is an OTT platform loaded with plenty of entertaining features. Let’s dive in:

Check Hub Cable Connection

  • Watch Live TV:- The app helps you to watch live TV and different reality shows online in your phone. You just have to access the TV Go app and select the LIVE option to watch channels. The app’s recharge packages provide phone subscription options along with smart TV and tablets.
  • Virgin Media Kid’s Box:- In this app you will also find a cartoons collection named Kid’s Box. You can choose this entertainment option for your children on the Smart TV. To select Kid’s Box, you have to access the app, and choose Kid’s Box, and explore the shows.
  • Download Shows:- If you want to watch the shows or web-series offline, then you can download and watch those later. Offline shows stay in the DOWNLOAD section only for 7 to 8 days. Users can access the downloaded content without any internet.
  • Manage Devices:- The app allows minimum 2 devices to open the Virgin media TV GO app. You can extend it to 5 devices of your choice, may it be a Smart TV, Tablet or smart phone. You can manage all these devices in the app’s MY ACCOUNT section.

We have one more application from Virgin Media, namely Virgin Media TV Control App. This app helps you to control your smart Virgin TV box.

Virgin Media TV Control App

This TV control app enables a user to control the virgin media TV box connected to the smart TV. You can also use it as a remote for the TV. Learn about Virgin media TV control app, download process, how to access and explore its features.

how to download virgin media TV control app

How to Download Virgin Media TV Control App

The Virgin Media TV Control app is available on Play Store and App Store. Just go in to the Store, search for the Virgin TV control, tap on the INSTALL or GET button.

How to Access

  • Access the TV control app using your My Virgin media account credentials.
  • Open the control app in your phone. Enter the My Virgin media account credentials (Username and password).
  • If there is no virgin media account then you must create an account in “My Virgin media app”.


In this section, you will learn about the features of Virgin TV control app and how you can use those:

Use Phone to Control TV

Yes, you can use your phone to control the Virgin TV box, it will work as the remote. Use below given steps:

  • Open and access The TV control app in your phone.
  • Select the MORE option given on the bottom right of the screen.
  • Tap on the REMOTE CONTROL from the menu.

Note: If you are seeing a message like “You’re not connected to Virgin TV”, then tap on the CONNECT button.

Use Virgin Media TV Control as a Remote

By taping on the Remote-Control button, you can use the app as Virgin TV remote:

  • Home: Brings the home screen on your Virgin TV.
  • Thumbs up: Increases volume of the TV
  • Thumbs down: Decrease volume of the TV
  • Stop: Pauses a video
  • Keypad: Change or Select channels

There are other options like recording, fast-forward, rewind, skip forward, go back, etc. on the Virgin Media TV control app.

Set Recordings

If you are using an iOS device to set recordings or Series Link+ then follow these below steps:

  • Open the app and select the show you want to record.
  • Choose Get This Show.
  • Select Create a Series Link+ to record the season.

Manage Virgin TV Box

You can manage the Virgin TV Box with Virgin TV control app in your phone. You can use it as a TV remote, and manage all devices like Smart TV, phone or tablet.

If you are getting trouble related to any Virgin media App then you can use this troubleshooting guide to resolve it.

Common Issues Related to Every Virgin Media App

  • My Virgin Media app not working
  • Virgin Media account (username and password) not working
  • Virgin Media Email not responding in any Virgin app
  • Can’t watch Live TV in Virgin Media TV go app
  • Virgin app showing red screen while logging in

Troubleshooting Tips for Virgin App Error

Update Every Virgin App

If it shows app not working or can’t log in to the app, then you must check that the app is updated or not. You can easily verify this from the Store of the smart phone. If you have iPhone then open the App Store. If using Smartphone then open the Play Store. Search the app name, which you want to update. You will find the UPDATE button, just tap on it to start the updating process.

how to set up virgin media TV control app

Use Correct Admin Credentials

The virgin media account credentials are used to access all the Virgin apps. So, you must create one account in My Virgin Media App. Type the username and password and simply access the app dashboard. But if you have forgotten the password, then tap on the “Forgot My Password” button. Enter the Email address and receive the mail to reset the password. By clicking on the link, you will see the new password create window. Type in your new password, and confirm it.

Reboot Your Internet Network

Another troubleshooting tip is restarting your WiFi network by turning it off and on once. Open the Wi-Fi Settings and turn off the WiFi. Turn it on again and connect to the internet.


Connect your hub to the ISP server via Co-axial cable and link laptop to the hub via LAN cable. Then follow below steps:

  • Open the Virgin Media Connect app.
  • Access it through admin username and password.
  • Enter the Virgin hub model name and start tap on Setup.
  • Adjust the settings and network.

The latest Virgin media hub is Hub 5X and previous ones are Hub 5, Hub 4, Hub 3, Hub 2, and Hub 2ac.

One of the best features of the connect app is Smart HOMESCAN. This feature is designed to scan the coverage area of the house and detect internet speed, issues and how those can be resolved. Follow below steps to run Home scan:

  • Access the Virgin Connect app
  • Select the HOMESCAN option.
  • Tap on SCAN button to start scan of area.
  • After few minutes it will end and you will get the results.

All Virgin Media applications are available on Play Store and App Store. You can install any Virgin media app within minutes.

You can install the Virgin Media TV go app in your Smart TV which has all LIVE channels, reality shows, and kid’s box. It is easy to install, just search the app on TV and select the Download option. Access it through the username and password. Then you can use the app on your Smart TV.

Open the Virgin TV control app in your phone and access it through the “My Virgin media app”. And, follow below steps:

  • Go into the MORE option.
  • Tap on Remote Control button.
  • Use the app as a remote to your Virgin Box.

Yes, you can even recharge and pay data bills from the Virgin Media app. Let’s learn how to scroll data packages of Virgin media broadband.

  • Open and access My Virgin Media app.
  • Open the Recharges and Bills section.
  • See the current data plan and latest recharges.
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