Solve Virgin Media Hub 5- Password Incorrect

Virgin media users can access the web interface of hub with the help of the assigned IP address which is or But, if your interface login page is keeps telling you Virgin media hub 5- password incorrect, then you can apply some solutions given here.
Let’s see reasons of the problem and then learn the tips and solutions to dispel issue;
Reasons- Password incorrect
- This problem can occur if you have forgotten your interface admin password or username.
- If you resetting the hub 5 and your router has not reset properly.
Now, take a look at how you can solve this hub 5- password incorrect.
Solutions- Password Incorrect
There are only two solutions that you can apply easily to dispel the issues which is technical.
Reboot Hub 5 If You Have Updated Admin Credentials
What if you have reset the router hub and you havechanged the credentials after it, but they did not applied. In this case, you haveto reboot the router hub to apply all the changes you have done in Virgin router login interface. There are two methods to the restart the device;
- The first method to restart the device is finding and pressing the Power button two times.
- The other way to restart the hub is plugging out the router adapter from power wall socket and plugging it in again.
Reset Hub 5 Again If You Are Getting Troubles Again
If you have reset the Virgin Hub 5 and default password are not changed, then this can happen because of you didn’t reset the device properly. Just reset the device again to solve it;
- You have to find the RESET button.
- Press it for 5-10 seconds and release.
- se sharp object like pin or pen to press the button.
If the router not reset, then press button again for 60 seconds.
Remember, after resetting the device, you have to re-configure the Hub with the help of the IP address or
Here, you have seen and learned about reasons and solutions to dispel the Virgin media hub 5- password incorrect problem.